Chatbots, Qué Están Haciendo Las Marcas Las Últimas Noticias Del Mundo Mobile

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For millennials and teens around the world, messaging platforms like Kik, WhatsApp. Wechat and Line have become the preferred media.
Las marcas pensaron primero en los emojis y en los stickers para sus comunicaciones cell con millennials, and now it's the turn of the chatbots, lo que puede tener profundas artificial intelligence consecuencias en la manera en que las marcas interactúan con sus consumidores. Mattel, Uber and Sephora are already offering their customers ways to interact and communicate with bots.
What are chatbots?
These are interfaces that allow you to send information and services on demand, tal como el pronóstico del tiempo noticias de último momento y su principal funcionalidad es chatear simular una conversación humana a través del uso de Inteligencia Artificial y machine learning.
Numerous startups around the world are developing ChatBots automated messaging apps to help customers do everything, from calling a cab to paying bills. There are different technologies such as , DigitalGenius and Help para social buyer providers para comunicación comercial y otras tecnologías como BetterBrand , que se focalizan más en Chat Advertising” a través de contenido interactivo y participating.
Messaging apps like Kik, WeChat. Telegram and Viber already allow integrations that support chatbots. They are mainly used for content distribution and interaction. With billions of messages sent via cell phones (only WhatsApp records 30 billion messages daily) Chatbots offer a unique opportunity to interact directly with customers in a personalized way and on an unprecedented scale.
Chat mobile apps are already considered by some specialists as the new Web, and chatbots like new websites.
At the F8 conference, last April, Fb anunció el lanzamiento de una plataforma de ChatBot para Messenger, aiming to turn your Messenger app into a tool for brand interaction and communication with your customers. La herramienta de Facebook incluye una API que permite a los desarrolladores construir un chatbot para Messenger y un widget de chat para incorporar en los sitios internet de cada empresa. During the F8 conference, Mark Zuckerberg showed how CNN could send personalized stories and news to its followers via Messenger. Si bien el chatbot store de Fb no fue el primero (Telegram and other platforms had already developed it) what sets it apart is the scale, as more than 900 million people use and communicate via Messenger every day, 60 billion messages are sent daily (si se suman Facebook Messenger y WhatsApp), of which more than 1 billion are business messages from different brands.
¿Qué usos se les puede dar?
Los chatbots podrían representar una de las mayores oportunidades futuras para la publicidad y la relación en general de las marcas con sus clientes:
Customer service: it's certainly the most obvious feature to chatbots, that would automate customer service, answering typical queries and solving basic problems.
Recommendations: giving product tips can improve engagement with a brand and it's something chatbots can easily do. For example, for a person who wants to start running and needs recommendations about which shoe is most suitable, places to run, groups of runners, and many others y el chatbot de Nike por ejemplo, you can easily answer these questions.
Research: suggestions sobre nuevos productos lanzados al mercado, que pueden influir la comunicación de marketing. And the most valuable thing is that that information can be processed in current time.
Content distribution: chatbots can become a new PUBLIC Relations channel for brands, a means to spread news about the company and automatically send ads to users and/or other audiences. Also some media outlets like CNN tested to send personalized breaking news to their readers, via the Facebook Messenger chatbot.
Point of sale: the chatbot could become a seller, contando las características del producto y ofreciendo al last de la conversación un botón de Comprar enviar un hyperlink para hacer la compra on-line.
entertainment: brands can use this technology to play with their customers and entertain them. From generating conversations on topics they're interested in, como la final de la Copa Libertadores. give them even Games, Trivia, etc.
Content Advertising: enviar sponsored content through Fb Messenger personalizados según los gustos de cada usuario
Al igual que el electronic mail advertising and marketing SMS, el chatbot requiere un decide-in por parte de los clientes. Users have the ability to block messages, so it's advisable to avoid too many messages that can be considered spam.
What are brands doing
Mattel created for the iconic Barbie doll a chatbot that uses Artificial Intelligence to interact with children. And Uber announced an alliance with Fb, para permitirle a los usuarios pedir un auto vía Facebook Messanger.
On WhatsApp, the Clarks shoe brand created three virtual characters to promote their new Desert Boots product", allowing users to chat with them and receive messages, videos and music lists.
Los pasajeros de la línea aérea alemana Airways KLM pueden obtener sus pasajes aéreos directamente a través de Fb Messenger.Artificial Intelligence Applications
However, this tool has its limitations, mainly when bots try to mimic human behavior, can get into trouble. Microsoft atravesó una crisis que se generó por el desarrollo de Tat, a bot designed to communicate like a millennial, that brought complications to the company, as he was denounced for posting racist tweets, misoginos and anti-Semites.
In some contexts, chatbots work very well, how can it be when a customer wants to order food book an airfare, but in other more sensitive scenarios industries, intervention of the human standard will continue to be necessary.
We're in a moment of testing and learning until brands can finally understand what really works when interacting with users in one-on-one conversations.
To learn more about how chatbots work, you can get into these notes: AdWeek , DigiDay , Edelman Mashable
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